Selective Information Network

Following World War II, the rapid development of communications and computers, lead to a shift of power. From wealth as the primary power to information as the new power of choice

At Znork we surely intend to change the world!

We are actively working at obtaining a game changing technology that can connect, select and replace content in the existing Chinese and American mass surveillance systems, without leaving a trace. We call it the Selective Information Network [SIN].

Imam Ali stated, in the seventh century, that “knowledge is power” and Nelson Mandela, in the same vein, said in 2003 that
education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world”.

SIN enables us to educate the world leaders with the information we choose. Imagine creating world peace by filtering out intelligence rapports that would create tension between states, and instead only show the positive ones. Building the ground for peaceful negotiations. Imagine how manipulating the news will enable us to control the stock market and the vote of the people.

Information truly is power. With SIN in place in a near future, filtering information available to people will become the power of tomorrow.

Be a success – Become a ZNORK agent

We are currently accepting new candidates for our Znork Agent Training Programme.
Find the hidden code and you might have a chance.

The key to SIN

During the second world war, scientists from all over the world collaborated and shared their knowledge. Leading to groundbreaking inventions and revelations never seen since. Fortunately one of those inventions was lost during the chaos of war – left for us to find.